• Vision UK Dementia & Sight Loss FAQs (Added 11/07/19 )

    This document addresses some of the frequently asked questions that are asked by people affected by dementia and sight loss, their carers, and practitioners in dementia and vision services. The practical advice and information offered throughout this document has not…more

  • The College of Optometrists issues new patient factsheet as hay fever season arrives early (Added 1/05/19 )

    25 March 2019 Source: College of Optometrists With hay fever season arriving earlier, The College of Optometrists has issued a member-only patient factsheet detailing a step by step guide on eye drop instillation. The factsheet arrives as the College warns…more

  • Looking after your eyes – information resources for people with learning disabilities (Added 1/05/19 )

    10 April 2019 Source: SeeAbility Adults and children with learning disabilities are far more likely to have a serious sight problem than other people. Therefore, SeeAbility have created some useful information resources for adults and children with learning disabilities about looking…more

  • Retina UK: Sight loss survey 2019 (Added 1/05/19 )

    19 March 2019 Source: Retina UK This survey is your opportunity to tell Retina UK about your experiences of living with inherited sight loss. Retina UK want to find out more about how sight loss affects everyday life, what support and…more

  • How Alzheimer’s Disease Affects Vision and Perception (Added 24/04/19 )

    by Audrey Demmitt, RN and VisionAware Peer Advisor People with dementia can have difficulties with vision and perception which causes them to misinterpret the world. The process of seeing is complicated and there are many points where things can go wrong….more

  • Poor nutrition can lead to sight loss in later life, according to University study (Added 24/04/19 )

    Friday, 22 March, 2019 An unhealthy diet including high fat and cholesterol-enriched food can contribute to developing eye diseases which lead to a loss of vision, University of Southampton research has revealed. The study, led by Dr Arjuna Ratnayaka, has…more